We are a team of dedicated professionals who are passionate about one thing which no in financial industry is bothering about – Happy Clients. We believe clients feel happy & content when they experience ethics, integrity, extraordinary knowledge, prompt commununication, remarkable performance & exceptional customer service, all at one place & we strive to deliver the same to our clients. 

We started this establishment in year 2013 with an aim to educate people on the most important aspect which can make huge differences in their lives – Financial Planning. We saw people were making vague & unplanned decisions in their finances, which were leading to non-satisfactory results when the time to reap the profits from the investments came. This resulted in additional burden on a father when he did not had enough finances to send his child abroad for further studies, couples leading a frugal lifestyle as they did not planned their retirements properly & so on.

We at Pragwealth Investment Solutions give practical solutions to real world financial problems which people face in everyday life. We plan for them a worry free financial life in such a way that they enjoy the journey as much as they will enjoy the destination.


  • The Questions We Ask
  • The Energy We put into Listening your Answers.

We want to know about your history, your family, your lifestyle, your career, your investing patterns and your life’s aspirations.

All this is to understand who you really are & what needs to be done to manage your expectations.

​The answers to the questions like

  • What to Invest?
  • Where to Invest?
  • When to Invest?
  • How to Invest?

come much later in our first conversation with you.

​The simple reason for this is that we place much higher value to the behaviour & temperament of our Clients & their understanding about life goals & the discipline they follow in important financial decisions. We believe that no financial instrument can benefit anyone who is not ready to follow certain discipline while Investing with commitment of the highest order.


Services we offer


Investment planning is a core component of financial planning. It is impossible to have one without the other.


You may have envisioned your dream retirement, but it actually takes careful financial planning for these dreams to be realized.

Child education planning

Education is one of the best gifts your children can receive, so you need to plan it very well in advance.


A grand investment plan can be grounded in absence of a proper investment planning. Not having one in place can prove to be a costly affai


Nobody likes to pay taxes & with proper tax planning you can ensure that you pay minimum taxes & enjoy your hard earned income to the fullest.

Products we offer.

Mutual Funds/ PMS

We have all the mutual fund schemes on offer by virtually all the Asset Management Companies (AMCs) in the country. As a client, you can access any scheme with us, either in physical mode or even in a demat /stock-exchange mode with Trading Account services

Fixed deposit/ Bonds

We also offer clients with diverse fixed income products, namely Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs), Infrastructure and RBI Bonds, Company Deposits, etc. from some of the leading companies, institutions in India.

Term Life Insurance

In case of sudden demise of breadwinner of the family, apart from the emotional loss, the family bears huge financial loss I.e the income which breadwinner was earning resulting in smooth living of family. Term Life Insurance acts as a friend who comes for help in time of need.

Health Life Insurance

No having a health insurance can completely derails the finances of a family if a critical illness comes into family. Assets are sold for paying medical bills & all the future planning goes for a toss. Its much cheaper to buy a health insurance 10 years to early than one minute too late.

Demat Account

We offer complete online solution for investing in mutual funds & stocks through state of art demat & trading accounts. One can purchase, redeem, start SIP & switch in mutual funds all through this account. We also offer flat 20 Rs per trade for trading & investing in stocks.

Loan against securities

Loan Against Securities (LAS) helps you meet your immediate financial needs by pledging your securities. This loan allows you to enjoy the dual advantage of retaining your investments and reaping their benefits. We offer these loans at very attractive interest rates.


Right People to Partner

We have rich experience in financial advisory and products distribution space. Backed with right qualifications & skills, we are the right people to engage with to ensure a smooth ride towards financial well-being.

Value Added Services

Our Services ensure comfort, convenience, confidence and control to you in managing your wealth. You would enjoy being always updated of your investments, any time, anywhere.

Rich Product Basket

We offer a single point access to multiple financial and non-financial products and solutions with a holistic need-driven approach & not product centric approach.

Client Centric Approach

Nothing influences and concerns us more than your long-term interests. Hence we have designed everything possible to match your needs and ensure that you benefit first and the most.

Effective use of Technology

We have always seen technology as an enabler to meaningfully deliver the most critical and relevant needs first. Be it the ability to view Investments or transact in them, we partner with right technology platforms so that you don/t have to bother about tracking your investments manually,ever.

Meet The Team.

Aman Gupta

Financial Advisor
12 years of industry experience | Avid learner of financial, behaviourial & tactical attibutes of markets & planning in the most credible way i.e through practical experience.

Prabhjot Kaur

​ Backend Executive
4 years of financial & digital marketing industry expericence | Proficient in backofice operations, accounting & planning of marketing activities

Arun Sharma ​

Relationship Manager
5 years of industry experience | Expert in Client handelling & problem solving | Strong hold on operational & executional know how.






Our comprehensive online platform which empowers you to have access to your entire wealth portfolio across Mutual Funds, Direct Equity, ETFs, IPOs, Bonds along with your current valuation, at a single place. You can buy, sell or switch investments simply through your computer or smart phone any time and from anywhere in the world. The transaction process is speedy, smooth and leaves no paper trail. ‘Now never miss an opportunity to build your wealth because you were too far’.

If some one does the good work, he should be rewarded.

If you think that we have helped you make smart financial decisions which have lead you to lead a better life then you can help your friends & family experience the same. Reward us with Referral & we’ll reward you with smiles, gratitude & Amazon Vouchers !!!