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How to apply for Reliance Rights Issue Shares

This is the compilation of a Twitter thread written by Mr. Manoj Nagpal (Twitter ID – @NagpalManoj). We are compiling it here so that maximum readers can be benefitted from it. All credits to Mr. Manoj Nagpal.
This is just to help you with the Basic Qs on “How to”.
This thread is NOT about “Should you apply” .
Reliance Rights issue will open today and last date is 3rd June to apply.

  1. If you had Reliance Shares as of 14th May, you are entitled to apply for the Rights too. This entitlement is currently shown in your demat account.
  2.  There is no max limit. You can apply for any number of shares in this issue.
  3. Upto entitled shares are guaranteed allotment for you (i.e. your rights entitlement based on 1 for every 15 shares currently held).
  4. Anything more than entitled shares will be decided by co, if u apply for more shares.
  5. If u don’t want to apply for these rights share, then u can sell ur rights entitlement in stock market also just like any other stock.
  6. The price of this – if u want to sell in stock market will be available from 20th May i.e. today. Current price is Rs. 163.
  7. Similarly if you want more of these rights entitlement, you can buy from stock market.
  8.  If you buy another 100 of these rights entitlement from stock market then u will have total guaranteed allotment of 100 in rights.
  9. Rights shares will be allotted at Rs. 1257/- per share.
  10. Out of this 25% has to be paid now i.e. Rs. 314.25 per share has to be paid now.
  11. The balance will be paid in two future instalments. Expected 25% in May 2021 and 50% in Dec 2021.


Now how to apply for these rights.

There are 3 methods.

Two are online and one is offline method We will discuss each of these methods below. See what is more suitable for you and use that to apply.

First Method – Online Method 1 – From your internet banking account.

(a) Log in to ur own online bank account.
(b) It will have option to invest in IPO/Rights – if ur bank has enabled it.
(c) In that it will show these Reliance Rights apply button.
(d) u will have to fill basic details of your folio, number of rights shares you want to apply etc.
(e) In this method, no amount will be debited from bank. However for every share applied, you hv to block 314.25 per share in the bank. This process is online ASBA.
(f) You bank may want you to enable ASBA online, if not done already.
(g) On allotment, amount will be debited in your bank depending on the number of shares you are allotted. Till then this money stays in your bank account but is blocked.

Method 2 – Online Thru RTA website.

(a) Go to this website
(b) Here click on the tab – Apply for Rights issue thru RWAP.
(c) Only for Resident investors. NRIs cannot use this
(d) It will then ask for basic details like PAN, DP ID, Folio no etc. You will have to fill this online.
(d) And then u have to make payment. Either thru Net-banking or thru UPI. No other payment method is allowed Remember in UPI there is limit of 2 lacs
(e) In this method money will be debited from your bank immediately i.e. 314.25 for every share applied. Balance Refund amount if any, will be refunded back to your bank later by the company in case you are allotted lesser than shares applied for.

Method 3 – Offline Method – By filling Form.

(a) Download application form (Form is in ur email or you can also download this form from above website.
(b) Print and Fill this form – name, PAN, Demat details, no. of shares to apply, Bank account details.
(c) Sign this filled form and submit it to physically to your Bank Branch.
(d) 60 Banks are available in this. Check if ur bank is available. U can check here on SEBI website…
(e) No Cheque has to be attached.
(f) This is Offline ASBA. Bank will block these funds i.e. 314.25 per share applied – in ur account.
(g) Once rights are allotted, then amount will be debited from your bank.

*** End of Thread ***

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