It’s not how much money you make but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you and how many generations you keep it for.

Robert Kiyosaki

We take care of over 0 Crore
of Assets Under Management
of 0 Happy
and Satisfied Clients.
Protected families with 0 crore
worth of Health Insurance cover.
Protected families with 0 crore
worth of Life Insurance cover.
We take care of over

60 crore

of Assets Under Management


Happy and Satisfied Clients.
Protected families with

102 crore

worth of Term Insurance cover.
Protected families with

14 crore

worth of Health Insurance cover.

We make you life confident

At Pragwealth Investment Solutions, we believe that everyone deserves wealth & finances to last, with
distinctive proof delivered by our financial advisors. 

We always put your interest first. This way, we always achieve more, together.

We deliver unambiguous, evidence-driven financial advice which help you protect your
financial future & realise your life dreams.

We help you take conscious actions to accomplish what is important. In general,
we focus on 3 key planning areas.


We help you make smarter financial decisions that adds value to your quality of life & creates wealth for you.


We offer you innovative Investment solutions which save you from taxes at the time of investment as well as at the time of maturity.


We help you with insurance plans, to secure yourself & your loved ones from any unprecedented event.
10 years looking forward feels like eternity.
10 year looking back feels like yesterday.
Make financial decisions today that you can look back on with gratitude instead of remorse.
The future is coming faster than you think !


We work for our clients based on a VISION to create wealth with an ethical APPROACH towards SERVICE and COMMITMENT.

Our Focus
is You

We understand your financial goals before creating a financial plan for your life.

We keep
you informed

We provide you with Tactical & Value based strategies on a regular basis.


We provide you with a tailored financial plan based on your personal goals & plans.
We don’t work for any Investment or Insurance Company, We work for our Clients.
We’re not interested in selling financial “products”; we’re interested in putting our clients on their own path to the future they envision for themselves.

Sukant Gupta, Qatar

I always got a rational approach in investment with PIS. The market knowledge and understanding is by far the best i have seen in anyone.The trust level which the company builds is on an entirely different level.

Rishu Khattar, Chandigarh

I am always stress free when it comes to my Investments & life goals, all because of the guidance of Aman. He has made the Investments & Savings a truly exciting part of our lives & we are already loving it.

Piyush Pant, Bangalore

Relationship with Aman as an adviser started more than 14 years ago since I started working in my first job. Since then I’ve always got a fair, honest and transparent advisory which is rare in today’s time.I can trust and discuss every aspect of my finances with Aman and always get the best for me.







Our comprehensive online platform which empowers you to have access to your entire wealth portfolio across Mutual Funds, Direct Equity, ETFs, IPOs, Bonds along with your current valuation, at a single place. You can buy, sell or switch investments simply through your computer or smart phone any time and from anywhere in the world. The transaction process is speedy, smooth and leaves no paper trail. ‘Now never miss an opportunity to build your wealth because you were too far’.

If some one does the good work, he should be rewarded.

If you think that we have helped you make smart financial decisions which have lead you to lead a better life then you can help your friends & family experience the same. Reward us with Referral & we’ll reward you with smiles, gratitude & Amazon Vouchers !!!